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26 Jul 2024
Housing Australia supports delivery of new social and affordable homes in Tennant Creek

Housing Australia has approved $3 million in funding to facilitate the construction of 12 new social and affordable homes in Tennant Creek, Northern Territory. 

30 Jun 2024
Australian Home Guarantee Scheme - 50,000 more places for eligible home buyers from 1 July

From 1 July 2024, more support is available via the Home Guarantee Scheme (HGS or Scheme) to help eligible home buyers to buy a home sooner, including first home buyers, single parents and people in regional areas.

06 May 2024
Home ownership a reality for over 150,000 Australians supported by Home Guarantee Scheme

More than 150,000 Australians have bought or built their own home over the past four years, with support from the Home Guarantee Scheme (HGS or Scheme) that is administered by Housing Australia. 

04 Apr 2024
Housing Australia funding supports delivery of 1,084 new social and affordable homes in NSW, with Stage 1 welcoming tenants from this month

Tenants have started moving into 130 new affordable apartments in Sydney's Macquarie Park, thanks to funding from Housing Australia and the NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC). The tenants include key workers employed at the nearby Macquarie University precinct.

22 Mar 2024
Tenants move into 434 newly built homes delivered by a partnership between Housing Australia, the Victorian Government and industry

Tenants move into 434 newly built homes delivered by a partnership between Housing Australia, the Victorian Government and industry 

20 Feb 2024
Housing Australia funding to support delivery of 219 new social, affordable, and market rental homes in Perth in partnership with WA Government and community housing sector

Housing Australia funding will support a build-to-rent housing project in Perth to be undertaken by DevelopmentWA and the community housing sector in order to deliver much needed social and affordable housing.

30 Jan 2024
Housing Australia co-funding helps deliver 40 new homes for Aboriginal Elders in South Australia

A new village designed specifically for Aboriginal Elders will be created in Adelaide, thanks to funding from the Federal and South Australian Governments. 

15 Jan 2024
Housing Australia opens first funding round today to support delivery of 40,000 more social and affordable homes via the Federal Government’s Housing Australia Future Fund and National Housing Accord

From today, the Call for Applications is open for funding from the Federal Government’s Housing Australia Future Fund Facility (HAFFF) and National Housing Accord Facility (NHAF) for eligible social and affordable housing projects. 

08 Dec 2023
Housing Australia Future Fund and National Housing Accord - Update

Housing Australia notes the Australian Government has today released an updated Investment Mandate for Housing Australia. This comprises amendments to enable Housing Australia to provide loans and grants to support social and affordable housing projects that are funded through the Federal Government’s Housing Australia Future Fund Facility (HAFFF) and National Housing Accord Facility (NHAF). 

Subject to finalisation of program implementation details, Housing Australia will open the first funding round through these Facilities as soon as practicable.  

Further information will be available on the Housing Australia website here as the program progresses towards commencement. 

The Government announcement is available here