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    Enquiry form

    For enquiries about the Home Guarantee Scheme (HGS), please select ‘Home Guarantee Scheme’, and complete the relevant sections. Applications for the Scheme can only be made via a Participating Lenders, and all queries relating to application assessment and eligibility should be directed to a participating lender.

    For general enquiries and enquiries related to Housing Australia's finance to increase the supply of social and affordable housing, please select ‘General Enquiry’.

    Note – fields marked with an * are mandatory.

    If your question has not been answered, please complete the below.
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    Contact details

    Home Guarantee Scheme information line

    Phone: 1800 549 767

    Hours of operation: 

    10am – 1pm AEST Monday - Friday.

    Housing Australia does not take or assess Home Guarantee Scheme (HGS) applications directly. For questions regarding HGS eligibility, applications or related home loan, please contact a Participating Lender and/or mortgage broker. 

    This information line is for the general public and brokers only. If you are an employee of a Participating Lender, please contact your internal Home Guarantee Scheme team or subject matter experts.

    Please ensure you have reviewed the relevant Fact Sheet and Information Guide for the Guarantee most suitable to you.

    Find out more here.


    We welcome your feedback, even if it is critical of us. We value your feedback because it allows us to understand your experience and helps us improve our service.

    If you are unhappy with our service, we ask you to first speak with the staff member you have been dealing with. This gives you a chance to discuss your concerns with them directly.

    If you are:

    • still unhappy after speaking with that staff member; or
    • not comfortable raising the matter with the staff member concerned,

    you can lodge a complaint with us by contacting: or calling 1800 549 767.

    Further guidance on how to complain effectively can be found at: Tips and advice | Commonwealth Ombudsman.

    You may also wish to refer to our Complaints Policy.