Policies and registers

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    Privacy Policy

    Housing Australia is committed to protecting the personal information it holds. Housing Australia is an ‘agency’ as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (the Privacy Act). This means we are subject to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act, which set out standards, rights and obligations for agencies in relation to handling, holding, accessing and correcting personal information.

    Privacy Impact Assessment register

    The Privacy (Australian Government Agencies — Governance) APP Code 2017 (Privacy Code) requires us to undertake privacy impact assessments (PIAs) in certain instances and to maintain a register of those PIAs from 1 July 2018.

    The Privacy Code also requires us to publish the register, or a version of the register, on our website.

    The PIA Register below sets out the PIAs that Housing Australia has completed since 1 July 2018. The PIA Register was last updated in updated 30 June 2024 and will be updated from time to time as new PIAs are completed.

    Title of PIAProject descriptionDate completed
    First Home Loan Deposit SchemeHousing Australia administers the Australian Government’s First Home Loan Deposit Scheme in accordance with its Investment Mandate (Scheme). Under the Scheme, Housing Australia issues a guarantee of up to 15% of the value of the property purchased by an eligible first home buyer in favour of the eligible lender which provided the first home buyer with an eligible home loan.August 2020
    Family Home Guarantee SchemeHousing Australia administers the Australian Government’s Family Home Guarantee (Scheme) in accordance with its Investment Mandate. Under the Scheme, Housing Australia support eligible single parents with at least one dependent child in purchasing a family home, regardless of whether that single parent is a first home buyer or a previous home owner.  Housing Australia issues a guarantee of up to a maximum amount of 18% of the value of the property (as assessed by the buyer's lender).September 2021
    Regional First Home Buyer GuaranteeHousing Australia administers the Australian Government’s Regional First Home Buyer Guarantee (RFHBG) in accordance with its Investment Mandate. Under the RFHBG, Housing Australia supports eligible regional first home buyers to buy a home in a regional area. Housing Australia issues a guarantee of up to a maximum amount of 15% of the value of the property (as assessed by the buyer's lender).September 2022
    Home Loans Guarantee Claims ProcessHousing Australia administers the Australian Government’s Home Guarantee Scheme (Scheme) in accordance with its Investment Mandate. Under the Scheme, Housing Australia has developed a claim process, procedure and system to facilitate claims that may arise under the Scheme.April 2023
    ELMOA HR System that contains all HR requirements in one UI delivered by ELMO. The system is delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS) where data will be stored in the cloud on servers physically located within Australia. The information will be used in the employee lifecycle from Recruitment, Onboarding, Learning and Development, and Offboarding.April 2023
    Housing Australia PortalThe Housing Australia Portal  (HAP) is a web-based system to allow eligible applicants to submit applications for Housing Australia funding under the Housing Australia Future Fund Facility (HAFFF) and National Housing Accord Facility (NHAF), Affordable Housing Bond Aggregator (AHBA) and National Housing Infrastructure Facility (NHIF).December 2023
    GRC Document Management Process (HGS Uplift) This project is to uplift Housing Australia’s internal Dynamics 365 GRC module to facilitate the initiation, tracking and completion of Document requests to lenders. From 6 June 2024 Customer and Personal information will be collected from participating lenders via a secure web Portal. Each Participating Lender has its own secure login to the Portal. Housing Australia will be collecting information related to existing documents related to loan origination, lender specific documents like ASIC certificates, Internal audit reports etc.June 2024
    Operation George – Visitor RegistrationAn internal form to register visitors to the new premises at 420 George St that will interact with the external platform provided by the property managers (Investa).July 2024


    Gifts and benefits register

    1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024

    Housing Australia publicly discloses all gifts or benefits accepted by staff members (including our CEO) valued at over A$100.00 (excl. GST). We report this information on a quarterly basis.

    Date receivedDate recordedGift item, benefit or serviceReceived byPresented byOccasionEstimated value AUD$
    04/06/202409/05/2024Property Council Australia breakfastChief Program Officer, HAFFFClayton UtzProperty Council of Australia$160 
    07/05/202406/05/2024Sydney Dance CompanyGeneral Counsel, CommercialKing & Wood MallesonsSydney Dance Company$267 

    Freedom of Information Policy

    The broad objective of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) is to give the public the right to access documents held by the Australian Government. As a prescribed authority under the FOI Act, Housing Australia is required to comply with this Act.

    The FOI Act gives members of the public the right to:

    • Access copies of documents (except exempt documents) held by Housing Australia
    • Ask Housing Australia to change or annotate information if it is incomplete, out of date, incorrect or misleading (where the information relates to the person making the request)
    • Seek a review of a decision not to allow access to a document or not to amend their personal information.

    Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

    This information described in our disclosure log sets out Housing Australia’s current compliance position under section 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

    This disclosure log is not exhaustive. For example, it does not include the following:

    • documents of a personal or commercially valuable nature released under FOI where publishing that information would be unreasonable
    • documents where access has been refused or which are exempt from release under FOI
    • documents released outside the FOI framework.

    Documents published in response to Freedom of Information requests may include internal working papers. The views expressed in these documents should not be considered as representing Housing Australia’s views or advice to government.

    Information Publication Scheme

    The Information Publication Scheme shows what information Housing Australia will publish and how the information will be published. It also outlines how Housing Australia will otherwise comply with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) requirements under section 8(1) of the FOI Act.

    Public Interest Disclosure Procedures (subject to review)

    These procedures inform public officials within Housing Australia of Housing Australia’s approach to dealing with public interest disclosures relating to Housing Australia under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act). The PID Act promotes integrity within the Commonwealth public sector by encouraging and facilitating the making of public interest disclosures by public officials, ensuring that if they make public interest disclosures are supported and protected from adverse consequences relating to the disclosures and ensuring that the disclosures are properly investigated and dealt with.

    Supplier Code of Conduct

    Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the minimum standards we expect our suppliers to meet and aim to exceed.  Our expectation is that our suppliers and their employees, related entities and supply chains operate in a legal, ethical and socially responsible way.